QSL cards can be special for a number of reasons. Pictured below are the rarest and most special that we have.
On this page: 9N7WE, 1S1DX, P5/4L4FN, NA1SS; also 3DA1GH, 3XY7C, 5R8FU, 6O0CW, 9L1BTB, AP2DKH, C31HK, EK6TA, J28VS, JT1BV, JT1CO, JY4NE, OD5NH, P29CC (Chip, serving Christ and the gospel there in Papua New Guinea), S79RJ, TL0A, TN6X, TT8PK, VP6DIA, VQ9MR, VU4RBI, XT2ATI, XU7ACE, XW1IC, XZ7A, YA5T, YI/KC0LEK, ZA1B, ZK3SB.
9N7WE – Nepal is a country that has fascinated me for years, and I was very happy to be able to finally work it on 20m SSB.
1S1DX from April 1979, on the last day of the DX-pedition, Spratly Is. !!! My equipment at the time was a Tempo 2020, 200 watts, and a 3-band trap vertical. Yipee!
And of course, the rarest of the rare, from September 2002 a mere 2 months before the operation was shut down, and ONE DAY after my tower & beam were put up (!!!) P5/4L4FN, North Korea, snagged with a Yaesu FT-900/CAT, 100 watts, and a Force 12 XR-5 beam at 64′:
In March of 2006, 3 of us were thrilled to contact NA1SS — Bill on the International Space Station. Each contact was about a week apart, not all right in a row. Shown below is the front of the card, as well as an image of the back of all 3 cards (scanned together in 1 jpg) — PROOF we spoke to an astronaut in space!
Then, in July 2010, KE5CII finally made her QSO with NA1SS! We were mobile, on our way to a wedding, and happened to hear him pass as the IC-2720 was scanning memories. After a few calls, she was able to get through!
here are some more interesting cards: